About Puro.earth
We are the leading crediting platform for engineered carbon removal, assisting companies worldwide in their science-based journey to net-zero and accelerating the carbon removal economy.
Antti Vihavainen
Co-founder & Vice Chairmanantti@puro.earth
“Just hoping will not prevent the climate crisis. Hope without action is no good. That's why we started Puro.earth.”
Jan-Willem Bode
“Puro.earth has been instrumental in laying the foundation for the global engineered carbon removals market and now we need to rapidly accelerate growth to achieve the highest levels of climate impact.”
Marianne Tikkanen
Co-founder & Head of Standard
“I believe that the change must happen at the industrial scale. In 2050 the carbon net-negative economy needs to be as big as the oil industry is today.”
Ellen Brouwer
Co-Head of Standardsellen.brouwer@puro.earth
“It’s time for Plan B: all hands-on deck to turn around the climate crisis – immediate abatement, and credible removals. I am honored and thankful for this opportunity to support Puro in this new era, assuring credible removals are making a significant contribution to climate change mitigation"
Trenton Spindler
Chief Growth Officertrenton.spindler@puro.earth
"Puro.earth is sparking a new era of climate action through unparalleled transparency and scale in carbon removal markets. I’m proud to be empowering companies to confidently transform their climate commitments into measurable, credible impact that paves the way for a sustainable future."
Benno Fuchs
Chief Operating Officerbenno@puro.earth
“Long-term carbon removal and permanent storage is not just nice to have – it´s one of the most important instruments in our fight against climate change. But it needs to be scaled, monitored and verified – that´s what we are here for.”
Alvin Lee
Head of Supplyalvin@puro.earth
“I am thrilled that Puro.earth has the opportunity to be working with some of the most ambitious and impactful CDR companies on the planet. Helmed by passionate leaders with deep expertise in carbon removal, these Suppliers solve for hard-to-abate emissions and it is a privilege to be their partner on the certification journey."
Joona Kunnas
Head of Partnershipsjoona@puro.earth
“Establishing a successful market and long-term demand for durable carbon dioxide removal is an imperative for this decade.”

History of Puro.earth
Puro.earth started from the realization that there is too much CO2 in the atmosphere and we already have carbon net-negative technologies that are able to capture and store it. However, a business model for carbon removal with these technologies was missing.
In 2017, Antti Vihavainen pitched the idea to Fortum, the leading clean energy company in the Nordics, who setup a team headed by intrapreneur Marianne Tikkanen, within the Innovation and Venturing department. The new team focused on finding a business concept to incentivize methodologies that are carbon net-negative from cradle-to-gate, in other words, they capture more CO2 that they emit from raw material to the end of the production process. These also had to be commercially available, scalable to industrial levels, and able to be verified. After exploring dozens of business models, the concept of a meet-and-match of demand and supply for carbon removals was formed – and we started calling it Puro.earth.
Puro.earth concept
The concept to create a business model to incentivize carbon removal was pitched to Fortum.
Founders employment
Puro.earth founders Antti Vihavainen and Marianne Tikkanen started full-time employment.
Funding received
Funding received to develop the Puro.earth Experiment.
Rules & methodology development
Creation of the first three carbon removal methodologies, General Rules, Terms and Conditions, Puro Registry specification and customization, and verification framework.
First auction
71 days from the launch of the Experiment, Puro.earth hosted the successful auction of the trading of CO2 Removal Certificates (CORCs).
First retirement
First CORC retired by the Finnish retail giant, SOK Corporation.
Puro.earth enters start-up mode
Experiment deemed successful after three auctions.
Creation of supplier listing
Auction moved to continuous listing of carbon removal suppliers and online shop to connect buyers with suppliers.
Nasdaq partnership
Nasdaq acquires majority share of Puro.earth.
Puro Advisory Board
The independent entity of the Puro Advisory Board was formed to ensure high credit-level integrity and robust principles for science-based high-quality carbon removal verification.
CORC Index Family
Puro.earth collaborates with Nasdaq to create a first-of-its-kind index family that tracks the price of sequestering carbon through engineered carbon removal.
Puro Accelerate
The program to scale the carbon removal ecosystem and the Pre-CORC product which facilitates prepayments was launched.
ICROA accreditation
The Puro Standard becomes the first crediting program focused on durable carbon removal to receive endorsement from International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance (ICROA).
Puro.earth growth & impact
37 employees across 8 countries, 89 facilities registered, 37 sales channel partners, 5 methodologies and 170,000 tonnes of CO2 retired.
The Board of Directors have separated the governance of the Puro Standard and crediting rules through the establishment of an independent External Advisory Board.
Fredrik Ekström
Chairman and President of Nasdaq Stockholm and Head of European Fixed Income and ESG
Eve Tamme
Member and Senior Climate Policy Advisor
Jan Willem Bode
Member and expert in the energy and sustainability industry
Randall Zuccalmaglio
Member and Investor at Nasdaq Ventures
Linda Olsson
Member and Market Services CFO at Nasdaq
Roland Chai
Member and President of European Market Services at Nasdaq
Mats Persson
Member and Senior Vice President of Portfolio Management and Markets at Fortum
Antti Vihavainen
Chief Executive Officer
Marianne Tikkanen
Head of Standard
Puro.earth Oy (limited company) corporate status and financials can be downloaded from the Finnish Trade Registry.
The Advisory Board was established as an independent entity to host and manage the Puro Standard in October 2021. Prior to this, the Puro Standard was managed by the Original Signatories, a group of 22 companies from six countries, that co-created and managed the original standard and crediting rules since its inception in 2019.
The Advisory Board’s mandate is to ensure high credit-level integrity and robust principles for science-based high-quality carbon removal verification. Puro.earth’s Board of Directors authorized the Advisory Board to:
1. Independently host, manage and curate the Puro Standard and crediting rules, and
2. Recommend changes to the Puro Standard and crediting rules to align it to the latest scientific research and policies.
Any and all changes to the Puro Standard and crediting rules are subject to the Advisory Board's approval. Puro.earth's management is responsible for implementing these changes to the rules. The independence of the Advisory Board is enshrined in its Terms of Reference.
See the Advisory Board Terms of Reference
Advisory Board Members
The Advisory Board brings together a diverse group of experts in the carbon markets with a mix of skills and experience. They are independent and non-executive, meaning they are not Puro.earth employees. However, they are compensated for their work and they have the right to seek any information they require from employees of Puro.earth and/or to seek independent professional advice if needed. The Advisory Board reviews its membership on an annual basis and are responsible for independently nominating, evaluating and appointing new members through a majority vote.

Professor Myles Allen
Myles Allen is Professor of Geosystem Science in the School of Geography and the Environment and in the Department of Physics at the University of Oxford. He is Director of the Oxford Net Zero initiative, and credited with first demonstrating, 15 years ago, the need for ‘Net Zero’ carbon dioxide emissions to stop global warming. His research focuses on how human and natural influences on climate contribute to observed climate change and risks of extreme weather and in quantifying their implications for long-range climate forecasts.
Myles has served on the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as Lead Author on ‘Detection of Climate Change and Attribution of Causes’ for the 3rd Assessment in 2001, as Review Editor on ‘Global Climate Projections’ for the 4th Assessment in 2007, and as Lead Author on ‘Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional’ for the 5th Assessment in 2013.

Mr. Grant McKelvey
Secretary, Office of general Council, Nasdaq
Grant McKelvey is a lawyer at Nasdaq and Secretary to both the Board of Directors and Advisory Board of Puro.earth. Grant has many years’ experience of working on legal issues in various jurisdictions and in different areas, including M&A, capital markets, competition law and compliance. Prior to joining Nasdaq in 2018, Grant worked for law firms in Edinburgh, Brussels and Stockholm.

Ms. Nikki Batchelor
Director, XPRIZE Carbon Removal
Nikki Batchelor leads the $100M XPRIZE Carbon Removal, a competition supported by the Musk Foundation to drive innovation, scaling, and market adoption of carbon removal solutions. In this capacity she oversees program operations, develops partnerships, designs strategic initiatives, and supports XPRIZE’s work across the energy and climate domain. Previously, she managed operations and impact programs for the five-year $20M NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE, including the Circular Carbon Network which aims to catalyze commercial activity and provide market insights for the growing carbontech and carbon removal sectors.
Prior to that, she served as an Innovation Advisor for the U.S. Agency for International Development, designing and executing challenge programs and impact frameworks, as well as managing operations for programs in Iraq and Afghanistan. Additionally, she has worked as a Strategist for NationBuilder, a software start-up developing product and communication strategies and expansion into new markets. Nikki holds an MBA from George Washington University.

Dr Mai Bui
Dr Mai Bui has over 10 years of experience in research on carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies. She explores the techno-economic and deployment potential of CCS technologies in a range of different applications, including power, industry and for CO2 removal from the atmosphere (i.e., bioenergy with CCS, or direct air capture technologies). She has first-hand experience in designing experimental test campaigns for both pilot-scale and demonstration-scale CCS plants, as well as expertise in developing chemical process models.
In 2021, she and her co-authors were awarded the Junior Moulton Medal by the Institute of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) for their research on CO2 capture technology development. Since completing her PhD in early 2016, Mai has published 21 journal papers, several technical reports, book chapters and two edited books on Carbon Capture and Storage and Greenhouse Gas Removal Technologies. She also works as a consultant, providing her expertise on clean energy and carbon management solutions to clients in the private and public sectors.

Todd Flach
Todd has 36 years of experience in various energy industries. His work spans risk evaluation and management of commercial, environmental, safety and technical performance. His skill set includes advanced and practical modelling, using a range of platforms, as well as certification frameworks and compliance.
Since 2004, Todd has worked extensively on all aspects of risk management of CO2 geological storage projects in all life cycle phases. Work in this field includes large, integrated R&D projects organized under the EU framework programs, the US DOE and the Norwegian Research Council. It also includes services delivered to some of the world’s largest commercial CO2 capture and storage (CCS) projects. In the EU 7th FP project CO2REMOVE, Todd contributed to regulatory input to EU’s directive on CO2 geological storage.
His experience also includes a role as senior advisor in an environmental NGO The Bellona Foundation, where he advocated for support and development of environmental technologies and projects, including CCS.
Todd started his career in technical/engineering studies in 1985 as a Research Assistant for Dr. Robert Schechter at the University of Texas at Austin, where he earned a Master of Science in Engineering.
His most recent work focuses on establishing a certification framework for management of non-recyclable plastic waste by application of CO2 capture and storage.

Dr. Florian Kraxner
Florian Kraxner is a principal research scholar with the Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and holds a visiting professorship on land-based negative emission technologies at Korea University in Seoul.
At IIASA, he is leading research on Agriculture, Forestry, and Ecosystem Services (AFE) where he puts emphasis on integrated global landscape modeling complemented with renewable energy systems optimization and impact assessments of climate change, with a particular interest in natural disturbances. His research portfolio includes forest and landscape restoration, nature-based and natural climate solutions. Biodiversity, sustainability, and a strong link into societal topics are cross-cutting themes throughout his work.
Florian holds a PhD in Environmental Sciences from Hokkaido University Sapporo in Japan and has served as the president of the International Boreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA) since 2018.

Ali Mashayek
Ali Mashayek is an associate professor of climate dynamics at the University of Cambridge. His group employs a combination of observations, scientific computing, and AI tools to study the physical and biochemical processes in the ocean, ecosystem dynamics, the coupled climate system, and environmental hazards. Before Cambridge, Ali held positions at Imperial College London (where he co-founded the Marine and Coastal Environments Network of Excellence and the AI and climate dynamics initiative), University of Oxford, MIT, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Ali has co-authored over 40 peer-reviewed journal publications and book chapters.
Purpose and objective
- Increase trust, liquidity and efficiency in the carbon removal market
- Increase volumes in transacted carbon removals
- Strengthen the ecosystem - expand the community of participants and the financial resources available to the CORC market
- Measures which Puro.earth and/or market participants can directly or indirectly impact/influence and which are needed to realize desired evolution of the market structure
- Market evolution which has a direct or indirect impact on Puro.earth’s carbon removal crediting platform and requires changes in and development of the platform
- Operational functionalities and long-term development of the Puro Registry
Tomas Thyblad (Chairman)
Vice President and Head of ESG Solutions, European Markets, Nasdaq
Patricio Ortiz
Environmental Commodities
Stephane Audran
Co-Head, Global Strategic Indices
Suzanne Allaire
Chief Executive Officer
Maximilian Brodin
Head of Commodities
Antti Vihavainen
Chief Executive Officer
*Market Evolution Council members are participating as individuals and are not representing their respective firms
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My Heading 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eam et reque justo quidam, te est audire persius. Duis meis quas vim ex, ius no oblique phaedrum pertinacia.
My Heading 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eam et reque justo quidam, te est audire persius. Duis meis quas vim ex, ius no oblique phaedrum pertinacia.
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