True Fee Structure

The service fee structure is designed to be transparent, predictable, and scalable. It decouples the cost from the number of issued CORCs and does not rely on the value of the credit. It rewards for high volumes and scalability, accounts for varying levels of audit complexity, and creates a simple fee model by not having a secondary trading fee and instead having a fixed fee per unit retirement fee.   

Fee calculator 

On January 3, 2025, Puro announced changes to its fee model as seen below. These changes include a new minimum CORC threshold, the ability to waive retirement fees for reported offtake agreements, and new increased audit frequency. All Service Fee model changes are in effect as of February 2, 2025. For any questions, please contact your local account manager. Visit the current fee page that is valid until February 1.

Transparent and Simple Cost Structure

1. Annual Fee

After signing the Platform Agreement, the organization is created in the Puro registry and the users get access to their main account. It is possible to create a number of subaccounts to manage credits. The Annual Fee is 1400€ per 12-month period, starting from the date of signing. 

2. The Service Fee

The service fee is either a fixed amount per CORC (CO2 Removal Certificate) depending on the reported cumulative volume of CORCs for the past 12 months or a flat fee if the production facility and output audit do not meet CORC minimums. The fee is determined by the volume of CORCs reported in the Output Report, which is submitted by the CO2 Removal Supplier to the Issuing Body. We do not charge extra for opening, closing, or reactivating accounts.

Overview of the New Service Fee Structure

1. Fixed Fee per CORC or a Flat Fee

  • Fixed Fee per CORC: For all production facility and output audits deemed complete by the Issuing Body above the minimum CORC threshold, as defined in tier 1 of the pricing table in Section 6 below, the service fee is paid by the supplier when the CORC or credit is traded for the first time. The fee is invoiced to the supplier upon trade or retirement. Note that the retirement fees are still applicable unless waived per section 3 below. 

  • Flat Fee: For all production facility and output audits deemed complete by the Issuing Body below the minimum CORC threshold, as defined in tier 1 of the pricing table in Section 6 below,  a supplier will pay a fee of 12 000 is due net-30 days following the Issuing Body's determination of the production facility and output audit deemed complete. 

2. Volume-Based Pricing

  • Puro offers a steep discount per CORC if production facilities and output audits are above the required minimum CORC threshold. The volume step is determined by the reported output volume over the last 364 days. There are 37 discount steps that reduce the cost by a factor of 30 as volume grows, providing a more granular and scalable model.

3. Discounts and Fees

  • Issuance Payment Discount: Suppliers paying the service fee at the time of issuance receive a 5% discount. 
  • Retirement Fee: A retirement fee of 0,25 per retired CORC is charged to the account holder performing the retirement. 
  • Retirement Fee Waiver: The retirement fee will be waived on retired CORC volumes where all the below conditions are met: 
    • The Supplier has reported the sale in the Portal (MyPuro) within (a) 30-days of signing the sales agreement or (b) within 30-days of signing the Platform Agreement, whichever of (a) or (b) happens last.
    • The Supplier has reported all information from the sales agreement as required in the Portal (My Puro), notably all volumes (firm and optional), delivery dates and prices.
    • The Supplier is set to deliver CORCs under the sales agreement over a period spanning more than 1 calendar year.
    • The Supplier has submitted proof (redacted contract) for items above.
    • has confirmed to the Supplier that Retirement Fees on such reported CORC volumes will be waived.
      • Note that will continue to generate and send the invoice to the Account Holder retiring the CORCs, even though the Retirement Fee is zero. The invoice will include a note stating that the Retirement is part of the sales agreement reported to Puro. This is to notify the Account Holder that the retirement qualifies for an exemption from the Puro Retirement Fee. 

There is no Secondary Trading Fee.

4. Verification Complexity Level Premium

A premium is added for methodologies that are more complex to quantify and verify.

5. Pooling Admin Fee

A fee of 2 000  per facility per year is charged for pooling volumes, invoiced when the pooling request is made.

6. Service Fee Table (including volume discount)

7. Increased Audit Frequency Under General Rules 4.1

The number of times a Supplier may submit Production Facility Audit documentation and/or an Output Report per Production Facility per 12-month period for Output Audit is determined by the table below:

Suppliers currently using Ongoing Issuance Rights as defined prior to General Rules 4.1 can continue doing so until the end of their current ongoing Monitoring Period. 

Cost Timeline

Service Fee Calculator

The service fee calculator is an interactive tool to help you visualize your service fee pricing based on the volume of estimated annual output of CORCs and the price level of CORCs.

Estimate your service fee

 *Note: The fee calculator will be updated on February 1, 2025 to reflect the new fee model. 

Calculation Example

1. One facility, one batch reported

How to calculate?

  • Determine Base Cost: Use the reported output volume to find the base cost per CORC from the table above.

  • Apply Complexity Premiums: Adjust the base cost based on the methodology used and any additional SDG claims to get the fee per CORC. 

  • Calculate Total Cost: Multiply the fee per CORC with the number of CORCs reported.  

Example Calculation: 

  • Suppose a supplier reports 10 001 CORCs. Base cost is 7,50 per CORC (from the Service Fee Table)

  • If using Enhanced Rock Weathering methodology, add 12% premium: 7,50 * 1,12 = 8,40 per CORC. 

  • Auditor verifies 9 900 CORCs: Total cost remains 84 008,40

  • Per CORC cost adjusts to €84 000 / 9 900 = 8,48 per CORC. 

2. One facility, three batches reported in the first year

Second calculation example examines the situation where the supplier wishes to make an early issuance to make sure the process is auditable and / or needs to make the first delivery of CORCs early. For the sake of simplicity, we assume each reported volume matches the verified volume in Example 2. Example 2.1 assumes Batch 2 has lower verified volume than reported volume.  

In terms of absolute cost, it makes sense to report credits in larger volumes in the first year, but the difference is not great if the supplier needs to get some cash flow earlier or wants to demonstrate the delivery capability to investors or other stakeholders.  

3. Three facilities

Third example examines the situation where a project developer has three projects, each from different methodologies.  


Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page to find answers to the most common questions regarding Puro's fee structure.

Visit FAQs page

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